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The Worlds.ini File


DISABLEACTIVEX - disables ActiveX usage

oledebug - sets debugging level of OLE

NoAdBanners - turns off Ad Banners

CYCLEADS - cycles displayed ads

avatars - viewable avatars

PropertyOrderCount - number of properties that are "ordered"

PropertyOrderxx - name of property, the xx is the order that it shows in Gamma.

BackgroundLoadLocalFiles - load local files in the background.

BizCardx (x is 0 to 4) - Lines on the "Business Card".

disableRecorder - turn off "black box" recording.

Offline - tells gamma that you'll be working offline.

StopOnHttpFault - For better offline performance, this will tell gamma to stop trying HTTP requests after the first one fails.

NetCacheEntries - number of entries in the local cache of remote files.

NetCacheRetries - number of times to retry a failed HTTP request.

NetCacheThreads - number of threads to use when retrieving remote files.

NetCacheModifiedCheck - how long a cache file stays valid before we check it - in hours.

MIDIONSTART - Start the MIDI playing when worlds starts up.

AUTOPLAYCD - Check and try to start a music CD when worlds starts, if one is in the drive.

UseAvatarCache - Use the clump cache if enough physical ram exists on this system.

VIP - Check with the server to see if this user's a VIP.

SPGUEST - Check with the server to see if this user's a Special Guest.

DefaultAvatar - The avatar string of the default avatar for this user.

AVATAR - Avatar string of the user's last selected avatar, if not a VIP.

VIPAVATAR - Avatar string of the user's last selected avatar, if they are a VIP.

DefaultConsole - Allows changing of the Default Console to a customized one.

SHOWNAMETAGS - Show the nametags of viewable avatars.

UserEnabled3DHardware - Enable 3d hardware usage, if available.

classicChatBox - enable "classic" chat

Broadcast - enable broadcasting to the entire room.

CAMERA_MODE - default camera mode on startup.

forceUpgrades - Force the user to check for upgrades on startup.

recorderEnabled - enable the "flight recorder"

languageURL - Location of the language font on the upgrade server.

filthfile - location of the file containing the "bad" words that will be filtered out.

encryptfilth - whether or not to encrypt the filth file.

allowObscenities - Whether or not to filter "obscene" words.

netdebug - set the net debugging level

MULTIRUN - allow more than one instance of the Worldsplayer to run on this machine at a time.

DISABLESHAPER - turn off the shaper

dronedebug - set the drone debugging level

permitAnyAvatar - let us see all the avatars possible.

AllowChangeLibrary - let the user change their Shaper Libraries.

logfile - set where the output of the Worldsplayer goes.

LASTCHATNAME - the last name used to run Worldsplayer

AutoLogin - automatically log in when the Worldsplayer starts.

RejectWhispers - The user will reject whispers if this is set.

upgradeTimeout - Sets the timeout on an upgrade operation.

SERVER - location of the user server

CheckUpgrades - check upgrades whenever the user logs in

disablMIDI - disable playing of MIDI files

disableASF - disable playing of ASF files

disableWav - disable playing of WAV files

ServerTableFile - location of the tables file on the server

PRODUCT_NAME - name of the product

DEFAULTLANGUAGE - language the Worldsplayer will use on startup.

DisableHardwareAcceleration - Disable use of 3d hardware, even if available

VoiceChat - enable use of Voice chatting

UserX - Name of the user, X can be 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.

PasswordX - Password for the user X, encrypted of course.

DefaultUser - Number of which user is default

Friendxxx - contents of the user's friends list

MaxInstalledWorlds - number of worlds installed

InstalledWorldXX - name of installed world

TestAutoUpgrade - if set to 2 allows beta testing of client.

TestWorldAutoUpgrade - if set to 2 allows beta testing of worlds.


The Override.ini File

actionFile - name of the actions file on the server

defaultAd - default local ad

drivegif - allows specifying a branded gif for drive button.

quitgif - allows specifying a branded gif for quit button.

uiBackgroundRed - RGB Value of the "red" part of the background.

uiBackgroundGreen - RGB Value of the "green" part of the background.

uiBackgroundBlue - RGB value of the "blue" part of the background.

uiBackground2Red - RGB Value of the "red" part of the background.

uiBackground2Green  - RGB Value of the "green" part of the background.

uiBackground2Blue - RGB Value of the "blue" part of the background.

rtpanel - local filename of the "right panel" gif.

HelpDirectory - specifies the help directory

HelpPage - specifies the help page location

accountInfoPage - location of the Account Information Perl script.

vipPage - location of the VIP info perl script.

chatBgR - set the Red value on the chat background.

chatBgG - set the Green value on the chat background.

chatBgB - set the Blue value on the chat background.

WorldServer - location of the override world server

InfoPage - location of the information html page



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WorldsPlayer Design Elements

Worlds is able to deliver a unique browser and world design for its customers, by customizing the interface components and creating unique virtual worlds. It further makes the experience unique by adding various interactive components and linking to the customers web content, and adding unique avatars to the worlds with unique actions.


The most elemental question to be answered prior to starting the design process, is "who do we expect to be our users, and what is the experience we want our users to have?" Are the worlds to be a space to chat, play, access information?


It’s very important to encourage the intuitive use of the world – we want to ensure people know what to do and how to do it when they enter the space. This is possible to achieve via the registration email, ‘Welcome’ greeter bots, a script that displays a dialog upon initial entry of  the world, clear signs in the space, and ‘real life imitating’ techniques – such as graphic representation of a mailbox for mail checking, etc.


Performance & world file size are the practical & essential considerations. Size is affected by the complexity of the model, number of objects in the world, and number of textures and sound files. Performance is a factor of the number of polygons in a space, the number of portals, the presence of interactive elements, especially dynamic ones, and other actions and attributes that require system resources. Think about it as a ‘performance budget’, and expect our designers to work with you to stay within this limited budget.


The WorldsPlayer Browser can be customized to have the unique branding of the organization distributing it. This is achieved by changing all the interface elements to reflect the look and feel of the customers brand. Details on customizing the client are available in the WorldsPlayer Interface document.


When defining a  world many elements need to be detailed.


·         A storyboard explaining the experience and the atmosphere: who is the user? What do you expect them to do in the space? What do you want to achieve by their presence in the space? Is there a particular sequence or path that you hope they will follow?


·         World geometry and aesthetics  - the graphic environment – specify  number of rooms, design, textures, scale and size, provide models or sketches. Define how the different rooms and worlds are to be connected (portals). Define floor & ceiling texture, infinite background, and list objects to be put into rooms.  If there is an ‘outside’, provide texture and specify if it accessible or just a visual.


·         Advertising - include banners? If so, embedded banners, banners at bottom of zoom scape or 'object' banner such as the ad plain in Ground Zero.

Advertising objects - such as the Coke machine.


·         Animations – Animations can liven up a space by creating an interactive experience: such as 'bots', water fountain, or rolling Coke can.


·         Interactive elements:

Numerous interactive elements are available. When specifying these elements, we also need to define what triggers them (proximity, click, bump, same room sensor, different room sensor, startup). Whenever we link to content, we need the URLs.


Dynamic textures -

Video streaming

Audio streaming


·         Script controlled behaviors – This is a new feature that introduces the ability to control world events via java scripts that are served from our servers. A world or an object can be assigned the notifyScript action, and when that action is triggered, a Java script is automatically run. This can be used for a variety of uses such as displaying dialogs for announcements or instructions, controlling avatar walk speed, controlling timed teleports (allowing a ‘guided tour’ or game like experience where you have to accomplish something in the room in a given time, displaying and recording web content (example the Blair Witch diary), activating bot chat, and more. This is a new capability that requires creativity to fully explore and imagine all the possibilities. Being server based it allows us to dynamically change the user’s experience, without changing the actual world or client software.


·         Object behaviors:  Spin (pitch) Spin (roll)  Spin (yaw)  PostSpin (pitch)  PostSpin (roll) PostSpin (yaw) Velocity

·         Object actions: Wait Print Sequence Sound RemotePortalLoading Animate SetVisibleBumpable Move Gravity Fly Through URL Talk DynamicPortalLoading Pickup Dispenser


·         Avatars & Actions


·         Sound – aside from the streaming audio and video sounds, Worlds can play .wav files that are included with the world file. These sounds can be looped for a continuous background music, or can be triggered on a timed basis.

·         Map - Graphic look, teleportation nodes

·         Teleport menu - define teleportation nodes