He modified the cutesy "Blue Bear" avatar such that it was, from alternate angles, holding a large bong and a "phat" reefer, with a perpetual cloud of purple haze obscuring the head region. He put together a page called the Worlds Chat Tabloids, wherein he doctored Worlds Chat-related screen shots under headlines such as, "Vampire Moths seen attacking HubCenter," (with a screen shot of a boy avatar being decapitated by a menacing butterfly av), "Penguin Gangs on the Prowl," (with a screen shot of a penguin av holding an incriminating spray can near fresh graffiti in hub corridor), and "Tokie's Secret Crop Busted," (with a screen shot of plentiful marijuana fields pasted near old "infinite plain castle" in Chat version 08. Each article ran about eight paragraphs and featured amusing bogus quotes from, "Worlds Security Personnel."