readme.txt for anims: The image files in this directory are for the animations and other images for the CreateCharacter class. These files are used on the opening screen of the CreateCharacter interface, where the user decides to be a Neo or an Android: --------------------------------------------------------- neo.gif android.gif These files are used on the second screen, where the user decides which class/clan to belong to: --------------------------------------------------------- _fi.gif First clan representative image _fo.gif Forest clan representative _gb.gif GX Builder representative _gl.gif Glen clan representative _gs.gif GX Scout representative _gt.gif GX Technician representative _mo.gif Mole clan representative _ms.gif MX Scout representative _mw.gif MX Warrior representative _sa.gif Sand clan representative _sc.gif Scout representative Most other files are used on the third screen, where the user selects an avatar that his/her character will use. The image files have names in the format --------------------------------------------------------- .gif where = subtype code, one of fi First clan fo Forest clan gb GX Builder gl Glen clan gs GX Scout gt GX Technician mo Mole clan ms MX Scout mw MX Warrior sa Sand clan sc Neo scout = avatar designation, typically a letter between a and z = position designation, a number from 1-6 (or 1-8) image files with the same values for and different values for z show the same avatar from different points of view. Each xxyz.gif file should have a corresponding avatar file in the avatar directory. Other images are images of skills being demonstrated. These are shown on the screen when the user selects which skills to develop. These image files have names like: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills.gif where z is an additional demarcation that indicates the order the images are to be displayed in.