// Copyright (c) 1998 Worlds Inc. All Rights Reserved. // Part of: world packaging // ICL: // By: jeremy 05/06/98 -- created. // jeremy 05/11/98 -- 1: added 6.3 to check worldsmarks for "home:". // jeremy 05/19/98 -- 1: minor corrections. // jeremy 06/25/98 -- 127: Explained about root access in step #28. This checklist describes how to package a world for "internal" use, that is, for use by people within Worlds Inc. The world will be viewed with an "internal" GDK, one which includes all the tools for building and packaging worlds, which is updated more often than an "external" GDK. If you want to package a world for external use, see "external.txt". Note: World package names (such as "WorldsChat", which is used as an example throughout this checklists) should NEVER end in a digit, as this will cause confusion when a version number is appended. Packaging a world (internal): 1 The following checklist assumes that the world is in a subdirectory of the GDK directory named "WorldsChat". Throughout this checklist, replace "WorldsChat" by the name of your subdirectory. 2 If this isn't the first version of this world to be packaged, make sure you either have a complete copy of the previous version in a subdirectory of the GDK directory named "WorldsChat.old", or you have a zip file created last time you packaged this world, named "WorldsChat-123.zip" (where 123 would be replaced by the previous version number of this world). 3 Make sure you have an icon named "icon.ico" in the "WorldsChat" subdirectory. This is used for the eventual start-menu links to the world. 4 Remove any old "WorldsChat000.exe" and "WorldsChat000-001.exe" files from the "WorldsChat" and GDK directories (where 000 and 001 are any old version numbers) if they exist. Either delete them or save them somewhere else. 5 Make sure you have plenty of disk space on the drive where your GDK is installed. You may need 4 or 5 times as much space as the total of the files in the "WorldsChat" directory. You can find out this total by selecting the "WorldsChat" folder in Windows Explorer, and using the "Properties" command (on the "File" menu). It will show how much space is used by the "WorldsChat" directory, and how much space is available on the drive. 6 If you want your world to have different worldsmarks than it used to, or if this is the first time you're packaging this world, do these three steps: 6.1 Delete your gamma.worldsmarks file from the GDK directory (feel free to back it up or rename it first, if you don't want to lose it). 6.2 Run gamma, and create any bookmarks you want your world to be installed with. They will be saved in gamma.worldsmarks. For instance, I'd Change Location to "home:WorldsChat\WorldsChat.world" and make a worldsmark for it. 6.3 Edit each worldsmark, and make sure it starts with "home:WorldsChat\someFile.world" 6.4 Exit gamma, and move the new gamma.worldsmarks file into the "WorldsChat" subdirectory. If you backed up your old gamma.worldsmarks file, you can put it back in the GDK directory now. 7 Edit the file icons.txt in the WorldsChat directory to indicate what icons to create on the start menu. Put one entry on each line, with the title (in quotes) first, followed by one or more spaces and the file name (ending with ".world"). Remember that auto-upgrade can create new icons on the start menu, but it doesn't currently delete old ones. If you change the title of an icon, auto-upgrade will create an icon with the new title, but it won't delete the one with the old title. [This may be improved in the future.] If you don't want any icons on the start menu, make sure there's no icons.txt in the WorldsChat directory. 8 In a DOS box, go to the GDK directory. If you have a previous version in a directory named "WorldsChat.old", run the following command: package WorldsChat WorldsChat.old If you have a previous version in a zip file named "WorldsChat-123.zip", run the following command instead: package WorldsChat WorldsChat-123.zip If you have never packaged this world before, run the following command instead: package WorldsChat - Remember to replace "WorldsChat" by the name of your package, and "123" by the previous version number. 9 The package command will generate a file named "WorldsChat456.exe" in the GDK directory. This is an "internal" package which will install your world into an "internal" GDK. If this isn't the first version of this world, the package command will also generate a file named "WorldsChat123-456.exe", where 123 will be replaced by the old version number, and 456 will be replaced by the new version number. 10 The package command will also generate files named "WorldsChat-456.zip" and (if this is an upgrade from an older version) "WorldsChat-123.zip". 11 Test WorldsChat456.exe by installing it into an internal GDK. 12 Check that it installed your icons in the start menu (in the "InternalGDK" folder inside the "Worlds" folder), and check that the icons bring up Gamma in the correct world. If you didn't want it to create any icons (no icons.txt), just check that you can get to the world via the worldsmarks menu. Check that the world still works. 13 Delete everything in the WorldsChat subdirectory and unzip "WorldsChat-123.zip" into the WorldsChat subdirectory for the next test. 14 Test WorldsChat123-456.exe by copying it into the WorldsChat subdirectory and running it there. Again, check that the world still works. 15 Delete everything in the WorldsChat subdirectory and unzip "WorldsChat-123.zip" into the WorldsChat subdirectory for the next test. 16 Using your web browser, get the file "http://dev.worlds.net/gdkup/WorldsChat/versions.lst" if it exists, and save it locally. 17 If you got versions.lst in the last step, open it with a text editor. If there was no versions.lst in the last step (because WorldsChat hasn't been uploaded before) create a new versions.lst in a text editor. In either case, add a line of the form "999900456:789" to the end of the file, where 456 is the new version of WorldsChat that you're going to upload, and 789 is the version of Gamma that you used to create it. Note that before the colon, you should have 9 digits: three '9's, a string of '0's, and your version number. Save versions.lst. 18 Ftp "WorldsChat123-456.exe" and the new "versions.lst" to the "gdkup/WorldsChat" directory in the www account on dev.worlds.net. If this is the first time an upgrade of this world has been uploaded, you'll have to create the "WorldsChat" directory in the "gdkup" directory before you can upload to it. 19 Verify that "WorldsChat123-456.exe" and "versions.lst" both exist in the "gdkup/WorldsChat" directory on dev.worlds.net, and have the correct sizes. 20 Edit the "worlds.ini" file in your GDK. In the [Gamma] section, add a line that says "TESTWORLDAUTOUPGRADE=10". 21 Run Gamma. Choose "Upgrade now" from the "Options" menu. Make sure that your upgrade gets downloaded and installed correctly. 22 Edit "versions.lst". Change the line you added to the form "456:789" (that is, get rid of the three '9's and the '0's). Ftp the new "versions.lst" to the same place (the "gdkup/WorldsChat" directory in the www account on dev.worlds.net). Remove the "TESTWORLDAUTOUPGRADE=10" line from your "worlds.ini" file. 23 Ftp "WorldsChat456.exe" to the "internal/WorldsChat" directory in the www account on dev.worlds.net. If this is the first time a package of this world has been uploaded, you'll have to create the "WorldsChat" directory in the "internal" directory on dev.worlds.net. 24 Using your web browser, get the file "http://dev.worlds.net/internal/WorldsChat/index.html" if it exists, and save it locally. If it doesn't exist, you'll have to create one. The best way to create one is to copy one for an existing world package (the only one so far is for the PolyGram world, in "http://dev.worlds.net/internal/PolyGram/index.html") and change it to refer to your world. 25 Edit the index.html file you got in the last step, adding an entry to the top of the table describing your new version of your world. Save index.html. 26 Upload index.html to the "internal/WorldsChat" directory in the www account on dev.worlds.net. 27 Verify that "WorldsChat456.exe" and "index.html" both exist in the "internal/WorldsChat" directory on dev.worlds.net, and have the correct sizes. 28 If this is the first time a package of this world has been uploaded, Telnet to dev.worlds.net, go to the "/home/www/htdocs/gdkup/WorldsChat" directory, and run the following command to create a symbolic link to the index.html you just uploaded: ln -s ../../internal/WorldsChat/index.html . Then do "ls -l index.html" to confirm that there's a symbolic link named "index.html" pointing to "../../internal/WorldsChat/index.html". (You may need to log in as root to do this, or get someone who has root access to do it for you). 29 Upload this checklist to dev.worlds.net. [Where???]